Min første copy/paste fra Iphone, ikke helt ligetil med 5 tommelfingre på hver lab...
- Spectrum Pharmaceuticals SPPI with $8.00 price target ? This small-cap biotechnology firm is an "incredible story," according to Kestenbaum.
Unlike other small industry players that focus on one drug, Spectrum has four in the pipeline: Two approved and ready to roll out and another two that he says will likely be approved early next year...
sent from iPhone
- Spectrum Pharmaceuticals SPPI with $8.00 price target ? This small-cap biotechnology firm is an "incredible story," according to Kestenbaum.
Unlike other small industry players that focus on one drug, Spectrum has four in the pipeline: Two approved and ready to roll out and another two that he says will likely be approved early next year...
sent from iPhone
Er bare ikke sikker på jeg forstår overskriften? Ældre sagen??
1/8 2010 11:15 cyber 031654
Men det var mest en test, træner med den her iPhone, derfor lagde jeg tråden i lounge..
sent from iPhone
sent from iPhone
alt i orden, skulle bare høre om de havde løst alderdommens gåde, eller aktien var for pensionister
1/8 2010 12:33 cyber 031656
Haha, jeg er forsøgskanin, men den evige ungdom lader vente på sig, har dog et par tip til at undgå viagra
sent from iPhone
sent from iPhone