Fortum faldt den 16. april 2013 med 7-8 %, og akademikeren og jeg kunne ikke finde grunden hertil. Senere på dagen meldte Fortum Oyj følgende ud gennem en aktionærmeddelelse(Fortum er et stort finsk selskab der opererer med bæredygtige energiformer):
"European Parliament's backloading vote a disappointment for the climate
Espoo, Finland, 2013-04-16 15:22 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FORTUM CORPORATION, PRESS RELEASE 16 April 2013
Fortum considers today's rejection of the "backloading" of carbon emissions allowances in the European Parliament as a disappointment and a setback for a common European climate policy. The Commission will not withdraw the proposal and will refer it back to the leading ENVI Committee.
Although a final conclusion to the matter still awaits, the decision entails a serious threat for the existence of the most cost-efficient climate policy instrument, emissions trading (ETS). Almost all market-based investments are currently on hold in Europe because of the uncertainty regarding the future climate and energy policy frameworks. The rejection of backloading increases this uncertainty significantly and, now, several years are likely to pass before any further clarification on the future of the climate policy will be achieved in Europe.
Fortum fears that the EU emissions trading scheme may be replaced alternative, more expensive national policies, which will fragment the internal energy market further. If the ETS is watered down, we believe Europe will allow each country take their own course towards introducing carbon taxes and other climate measures. This development would not benefit the society nor consumers.
Fortum is highly committed to climate change mitigation and supports emissions trading as the main climate policy instrument in Europe. Emissions trading effectively promotes the competitiveness of low-carbon energy production and technologies and, at the same time, enables reaching the climate goals in a cost-efficient way.
Fortum Corporation
Corporate Communication"
Det jeg lægger mest vægt på fra det statement er følgende:
"Almost all market-based investments are currently on hold in Europe because of the uncertainty regarding the future climate and energy policy frameworks. The rejection of backloading increases this uncertainty significantly and, now, several years are likely to pass before any further clarification on the future of the climate policy will be achieved in Europe."
Hvordan tolker I dette? Er ren energi yt de næste år? Et skrækscenarie kunne jo være at investeringerne i ren energi holdte en stor pause grundet denne usikkerhed?
Tak uduelige politikere!
"European Parliament's backloading vote a disappointment for the climate
Espoo, Finland, 2013-04-16 15:22 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FORTUM CORPORATION, PRESS RELEASE 16 April 2013
Fortum considers today's rejection of the "backloading" of carbon emissions allowances in the European Parliament as a disappointment and a setback for a common European climate policy. The Commission will not withdraw the proposal and will refer it back to the leading ENVI Committee.
Although a final conclusion to the matter still awaits, the decision entails a serious threat for the existence of the most cost-efficient climate policy instrument, emissions trading (ETS). Almost all market-based investments are currently on hold in Europe because of the uncertainty regarding the future climate and energy policy frameworks. The rejection of backloading increases this uncertainty significantly and, now, several years are likely to pass before any further clarification on the future of the climate policy will be achieved in Europe.
Fortum fears that the EU emissions trading scheme may be replaced alternative, more expensive national policies, which will fragment the internal energy market further. If the ETS is watered down, we believe Europe will allow each country take their own course towards introducing carbon taxes and other climate measures. This development would not benefit the society nor consumers.
Fortum is highly committed to climate change mitigation and supports emissions trading as the main climate policy instrument in Europe. Emissions trading effectively promotes the competitiveness of low-carbon energy production and technologies and, at the same time, enables reaching the climate goals in a cost-efficient way.
Fortum Corporation
Corporate Communication"
Det jeg lægger mest vægt på fra det statement er følgende:
"Almost all market-based investments are currently on hold in Europe because of the uncertainty regarding the future climate and energy policy frameworks. The rejection of backloading increases this uncertainty significantly and, now, several years are likely to pass before any further clarification on the future of the climate policy will be achieved in Europe."
Hvordan tolker I dette? Er ren energi yt de næste år? Et skrækscenarie kunne jo være at investeringerne i ren energi holdte en stor pause grundet denne usikkerhed?
Tak uduelige politikere!
20/4 2013 17:48 doodha 065000
Så galt er det ikke - såvidt jeg er orienteret. Hvis det havde været så galt, ville vi også have hørt et ramaskrig herhjemme. Og ikke blot et skuldertræk.
Dels er det jo ikke reelt EU-parlamentet som bestemmer. De skal høres - og det bliver de så. Det er Ministerrådet som bestemmer.
Desuden skulle betydningen af de CO2 kvoter som man ville tage ud ikke betyde alverden - igen som jeg har hørt det beskrevet.
Men det er da et træls signal.
Da det blev omtalt i P1's Orientering var holdningen den, at det er mere vigtigt, hvad de store lande beslutter sig til. Og her er det jo især Tyskland - og dermed det tyske valg til september (var det vist), som kan blive væsentlig for den fremtidige energi-politik i Europa.
Dels er det jo ikke reelt EU-parlamentet som bestemmer. De skal høres - og det bliver de så. Det er Ministerrådet som bestemmer.
Desuden skulle betydningen af de CO2 kvoter som man ville tage ud ikke betyde alverden - igen som jeg har hørt det beskrevet.
Men det er da et træls signal.
Da det blev omtalt i P1's Orientering var holdningen den, at det er mere vigtigt, hvad de store lande beslutter sig til. Og her er det jo især Tyskland - og dermed det tyske valg til september (var det vist), som kan blive væsentlig for den fremtidige energi-politik i Europa.
7/5 2013 17:12 doodha 065268
Jeg hørte lige i Radioavisen, at 9 regeringer - herunder tre store lande: Tyskland, Frankrig og UK - arbejder for, at der skal gøres noget ved kvote-systemet. Altså det der blev stemt ned af EU-parlamentet. Så den sag er IKKE død.
13/5 2013 09:19 doodha 065338
For lige at følge op vedr. co2-kvoter og EU-parlamentet:
13/5 2013 23:14 Okonomen 065343
Særdeles interessant og det er et klassisk eksempel på, hvorfor den nuværende politiske struktur i det globale samfund er selvdestruktiv på lang sigt.