GlaxoSmithKline har udtalt af de snart er klar med to mindre opkøb.
Hvis der her er tale om genmab, hvad vil den realistisk pris de skal betale så være pr aktie?
Hvordan foregår det i praksis, hvis man gerne vil have udbetalt det beløb som de evt vil byde?
På forhånd tak.
Hvis der her er tale om genmab, hvad vil den realistisk pris de skal betale så være pr aktie?
Hvordan foregår det i praksis, hvis man gerne vil have udbetalt det beløb som de evt vil byde?
På forhånd tak.
I praksis vil kursen gå op til den budte kurs med en præmie på -5% (med mindre vi kan lave en corner på shorterne)
Her er den fra fra Jyske.
Jyske har lavet lidt husmandsregning som det ses. Værdien i dag er 2 mia dkk og aftalen med GSK er potentielt 12 mia dkk værd. Så gsk vil jo godt kunne forsvare 6-8 mia dkk, måske endda mere hvis de får det hele med. Men der er godt nok langt op til 200-250 nu. Men medarex steg også 4x.
Her er den fra fra Jyske.
Jyske har lavet lidt husmandsregning som det ses. Værdien i dag er 2 mia dkk og aftalen med GSK er potentielt 12 mia dkk værd. Så gsk vil jo godt kunne forsvare 6-8 mia dkk, måske endda mere hvis de får det hele med. Men der er godt nok langt op til 200-250 nu. Men medarex steg også 4x.
10/5 2010 08:43 aktiemand 029062
Det er godt nok spændende!
Der er tale om 2 mindre opkøb, kan Genmab hører ind under den katg?
Der er tale om 2 mindre opkøb, kan Genmab hører ind under den katg?
Her artiklen
10/5 2010 09:47 gentogen 029065
Kan nogen forklare mig Jyskes regnestykke? Jeg er ikke helt med på, hvordan de kommer frem til de 12 milliarder.
Regner man salgsroyalties med, så er der vel i princippet intet loft?
I øvrigt synes jeg ikke, at GSK formuleringerne lyder specielt "Genmab-agtige" i denne runde, men formuleringerne kan selvfølgelig være bevidst uklare.
Regner man salgsroyalties med, så er der vel i princippet intet loft?
I øvrigt synes jeg ikke, at GSK formuleringerne lyder specielt "Genmab-agtige" i denne runde, men formuleringerne kan selvfølgelig være bevidst uklare.
Regnestykket er at GSK samlet set med alle milestones etc. vil betale ca. 2,1 millarder doller x dollarkurs. Det giver en små 12 mia dkk.
11/5 2010 10:11 Stinker 029114
Fra de 12 mia kr skal vel så trækkes Genmabs halvdel af udviklingsomkostningerne, som GSK jo selv vil skulle bære, dersom de overtager Genmab.
Når Jyske anslår GSKs andel af udviklingsomkostningerne til "300 mio $ over de kommende år" lyder det så i øvrigt ikke lidt lavt? - "De kommende år" må vel dække mere end et par år, og forsøgene står jo ifølge planen til en seriøs udbygning med dyre head-to-head-studies i fremtiden.
Når Jyske anslår GSKs andel af udviklingsomkostningerne til "300 mio $ over de kommende år" lyder det så i øvrigt ikke lidt lavt? - "De kommende år" må vel dække mere end et par år, og forsøgene står jo ifølge planen til en seriøs udbygning med dyre head-to-head-studies i fremtiden.
svarer det ikke meget godt til at GSK og Genmab hver især har en halv milliard i udgifter om året på arzerra i diverse indikationer? I runde tal synes jeg at kunne genkende det, og kommende år kan jo godt dække perioden 3 år frem.
11/5 2010 11:45 Stinker 029117
Jo det var også min indskydelse, men så er der jo heller ikke plads til nye og forventeligt dyre H2H studier med Rituxan - endsige et stort RA studie, hvis det nogensinde skulle blive til noget...
11/5 2010 12:25 troldmanden 229118
Jyske bank skyder langt over målet med de udestående milestones. Vi private investorer er åbenbart bedre oplyst end Jyske Bank. For det er kun $650 mio. Og det kommerfra Genmab selv.....Og af det beløb udgør en stor del salgs milestones. Og mit bud er salgsmilestones udløses ved brud af $500 mio, $1 mia, $2 mia.
Som Stinker og aka også er inde på så er det lidt svært at tyde JBs defination på tidshorisont for de $300 mio i udviklings udgifter. Men den gængse tanke er at udviklings udgifterne i mange år frem vil ligge i niveau 300-500 mio dkk (for hver i sær. Altså totalte årlige udgifter på 600-1.000 mio)Det betyder også de kommende års milestones betaling går direkte tilbage i udviklingen af nye indikationer. Så derfor vil der som sådan ikke rigtigt være noget at spare på den korte ban for GSK ved at købe Genmab. Det er primært royaltie delen der vil være interessant for GSK
Et evt opkøb af Genmab vil nok også for mange være et skræk scenario nu. For det er sældent en køber byder mere end 100% over den aktuelle kurs. Men lad os bare antage det blver noget nær verdens største præmie på 150%. Så er kursen stadig kun 132,5. Altå en mcap på ca 6 mia
Hvor mange her ville tage imod det bud hvis det kom i morgen?
Som Stinker og aka også er inde på så er det lidt svært at tyde JBs defination på tidshorisont for de $300 mio i udviklings udgifter. Men den gængse tanke er at udviklings udgifterne i mange år frem vil ligge i niveau 300-500 mio dkk (for hver i sær. Altså totalte årlige udgifter på 600-1.000 mio)Det betyder også de kommende års milestones betaling går direkte tilbage i udviklingen af nye indikationer. Så derfor vil der som sådan ikke rigtigt være noget at spare på den korte ban for GSK ved at købe Genmab. Det er primært royaltie delen der vil være interessant for GSK
Et evt opkøb af Genmab vil nok også for mange være et skræk scenario nu. For det er sældent en køber byder mere end 100% over den aktuelle kurs. Men lad os bare antage det blver noget nær verdens største præmie på 150%. Så er kursen stadig kun 132,5. Altå en mcap på ca 6 mia
Hvor mange her ville tage imod det bud hvis det kom i morgen?
10/5 2010 10:07 nohope 029066
Tror ikke på at det har noget med GENMAB at gøre. De annoncerer ikke opkøb af børsnoterede selskaber på forhånd, det skal komme som lyn fra en klar himmel.
10/5 2010 11:32 Solsen 029075
Jo de forbereder deres egne aktionærer på, at de trækker pungen op til stort indkøb - de nævner ikke Genmab ved navn !
10/5 2010 17:49 aktiemand 029089
Kunne man forestille sig at de køber Arzerra og ikke Genman som virksomhed?
Ja da. Og de har travlt. To nye studier på Clinical Trials!!!
1. (28. april)(Antibody ONLY i stedet for Rituximab!)
The risk of immunosuppression deters many patients from receiving fludarabine, while combination chemotherapy regimens are poorly tolerated by elderly or infirm chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) patients. Previous studies by our group and others have shown that rituximab is safe and well tolerated when used as a single agent in patients with CLL. In addition, maintenance therapy with rituximab was well tolerated by CLL patients, with probable prolongation of progression-free survival (Hainsworth et al. 2003). Based on pre clinical and clinical studies indicating possible increased efficacy of ofatumumab in patients with CLL, we wish to develop an antibody-only regimen for older patients and patients who refuse fludarabine-based regimens.
2.(fra 6, maj)(Bortezomib ved relapsed Rituximab)
The purpose of this study is to: Investigate the Overall Response Rate (ORR) of the combination of ofatumumab and bortezomib in patients with low-grade B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (LG-NHL) that relapse beyond 6 months of a previous rituximab-containing regimen.
Det er jo næsten ikke til at følge med.
1. (28. april)(Antibody ONLY i stedet for Rituximab!)
The risk of immunosuppression deters many patients from receiving fludarabine, while combination chemotherapy regimens are poorly tolerated by elderly or infirm chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) patients. Previous studies by our group and others have shown that rituximab is safe and well tolerated when used as a single agent in patients with CLL. In addition, maintenance therapy with rituximab was well tolerated by CLL patients, with probable prolongation of progression-free survival (Hainsworth et al. 2003). Based on pre clinical and clinical studies indicating possible increased efficacy of ofatumumab in patients with CLL, we wish to develop an antibody-only regimen for older patients and patients who refuse fludarabine-based regimens.
2.(fra 6, maj)(Bortezomib ved relapsed Rituximab)
The purpose of this study is to: Investigate the Overall Response Rate (ORR) of the combination of ofatumumab and bortezomib in patients with low-grade B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (LG-NHL) that relapse beyond 6 months of a previous rituximab-containing regimen.
Det er jo næsten ikke til at følge med.
10/5 2010 20:58 aktiemand 029094
Hvor meget tror i GlaxoSmithKline skal have op af lommen?
Er 8-10mia kr. urealistisk? og kunne det være "et mindre opkøb" som de selv kalder det kommende opkøb.
Er 8-10mia kr. urealistisk? og kunne det være "et mindre opkøb" som de selv kalder det kommende opkøb.
10/5 2010 22:39 gentogen 029105
Det ved jeg ikke, Arzerra er næppe til salg, men Jyske Banks argumentation er vel god nok. Hvis GSK kan spare flere milliarder på at købe hele Genmab ! så er de jo stort set tvunget til at overveje den omkostningsreduktion!.... Og hvis alternativet er 12 milliarder, så er 8 eller 10 vel en OK god handel set fra deres perspektiv. Men hvis de byder 8, så vil alle jo samtidig vide, at de reelt mener, at Arzerra er det dobbelte værd....
I øvrigt mener de jo sikker også, at det er det dobbelte af 12 værd. Hvis man i denne sene aftenstund må jonglere lidt små-useriøst med milliarderne til en afveksling........
I øvrigt mener de jo sikker også, at det er det dobbelte af 12 værd. Hvis man i denne sene aftenstund må jonglere lidt små-useriøst med milliarderne til en afveksling........
kender jeg genmab ret, så kan man se det på kursen hvis der sker noget. Der er altid nogen der ved noget end vi gør. Altid! Men jo imorgen kan godt være dagen.
11/5 2010 08:54 gentogen 029112
GlaxoSmithKline Forms Alliance With Dong-A Pharmaceuticals Co
LONDON (Dow Jones)
GlaxoSmithKline PLC (GSK.LN) said Tuesday it has entered into a strategic alliance with Dong-A Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd., a pharmaceutical and OTC Company in South Korea.
LONDON (Dow Jones)
GlaxoSmithKline PLC (GSK.LN) said Tuesday it has entered into a strategic alliance with Dong-A Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd., a pharmaceutical and OTC Company in South Korea.
11/5 2010 10:07 Hegu 029113
Blot til orientering:
Der er en lille notits i dagbladet Børsen i dag med overskriften "Genmab kan blive købt". Den handler om Frank Hørnings kommentar fra i går.
Med venlig hilsen
Der er en lille notits i dagbladet Børsen i dag med overskriften "Genmab kan blive købt". Den handler om Frank Hørnings kommentar fra i går.
Med venlig hilsen
J Castillo - Journal of Blood Medicine, 2010 -
Ofatumumab, a second-generation anti-CD20 MAb,
has emerged as a therapeutic option in patients with CLL.
Several clinical trials have shown efficacy in frontline and
relapsed settings, even after rituximab-containing regimens.
Most importantly, responses and clinical improvements have
been seen in patients with disease resistant to fludarabine and
alemtuzumab and patients with bulky lymphadenopathy.
It is worth emphasizing that these effects have been seen
with ofatumumab administered as a single agent. The recent
approval of ofatumumab for the treatment of CLL patients who
have failed fludarabine- and alemtuzumab-containing regimens
emphasizes its use as a third- or fourth-line therapy.
However, ofatumumab has a great potential for further
development. An ongoing trial is evaluating the addition of
ofatumumab to chlorambucil in untreated CLL patients and
a second trial is studying its combination with fludarabine
and cyclophosphamide in previously treated CLL patients.
It is likely that, if these trials show positive results, ofatumumab
will obtain approval at earlier stages of therapy. If the
Journal of Blood Medicine 2010:1
Dovepress Ofatumumab for CLL
submit your manuscript |
pre-clinical characteristics of ofatumumab such as stronger
CDC and reduced off-rates will translate into a superior
response or survival rates than rituximab is unclear at the
moment and will need to be addressed in carefully designed
comparative trials. Practitioners have used rituximab for
several years with a high level of comfort; hence, it will be
difficult to replace it unless the new therapy is associated with
a better efficacy rate and safer toxicity profile. So far, infusion-
related reactions seemed to occur less frequently with
ofatumumab, and given its fully human structure it should be
less immunogenic, allowing for faster intravenous infusions.
Interesting concepts such as re-treatment and maintenance
therapy with ofatumumab are under investigation; appropriately
large study populations and long follow-up time are
necessary in order to guarantee reliable conclusions.
Ofatumumab, a second-generation anti-CD20 MAb,
has emerged as a therapeutic option in patients with CLL.
Several clinical trials have shown efficacy in frontline and
relapsed settings, even after rituximab-containing regimens.
Most importantly, responses and clinical improvements have
been seen in patients with disease resistant to fludarabine and
alemtuzumab and patients with bulky lymphadenopathy.
It is worth emphasizing that these effects have been seen
with ofatumumab administered as a single agent. The recent
approval of ofatumumab for the treatment of CLL patients who
have failed fludarabine- and alemtuzumab-containing regimens
emphasizes its use as a third- or fourth-line therapy.
However, ofatumumab has a great potential for further
development. An ongoing trial is evaluating the addition of
ofatumumab to chlorambucil in untreated CLL patients and
a second trial is studying its combination with fludarabine
and cyclophosphamide in previously treated CLL patients.
It is likely that, if these trials show positive results, ofatumumab
will obtain approval at earlier stages of therapy. If the
Journal of Blood Medicine 2010:1
Dovepress Ofatumumab for CLL
submit your manuscript |
pre-clinical characteristics of ofatumumab such as stronger
CDC and reduced off-rates will translate into a superior
response or survival rates than rituximab is unclear at the
moment and will need to be addressed in carefully designed
comparative trials. Practitioners have used rituximab for
several years with a high level of comfort; hence, it will be
difficult to replace it unless the new therapy is associated with
a better efficacy rate and safer toxicity profile. So far, infusion-
related reactions seemed to occur less frequently with
ofatumumab, and given its fully human structure it should be
less immunogenic, allowing for faster intravenous infusions.
Interesting concepts such as re-treatment and maintenance
therapy with ofatumumab are under investigation; appropriately
large study populations and long follow-up time are
necessary in order to guarantee reliable conclusions.
18/5 2010 13:22 McJanus 029349
Hmmm ... det går rigeligt stærkt nu. +9% og åbenbart en voldsom køberlyst (EIK Bank?).
Synes det er en lidt sen reaktion på rygterne, så måske ...
Synes det er en lidt sen reaktion på rygterne, så måske ...
nyt studie:
Recruiting Clinical Protocol for the Treatment of Patients With Previously Untreated Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia With a Combinaton of Bendamustine and Ofatumumab Condition: Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)
Intervention: Drug: ofatumumab + bendamustine
Recruiting Clinical Protocol for the Treatment of Patients With Previously Untreated Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia With a Combinaton of Bendamustine and Ofatumumab Condition: Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)
Intervention: Drug: ofatumumab + bendamustine
20/5 2010 10:34 gentogen 029422
Artikel om Ofatumumab (februar 2010), som jeg ikke før har set omtalt:
However, in a recent analysis, patients with fludarabine- and alemtuzumab-refractory CLL, or with bulky lymph nodes, still had a poor prognosis. The overall likelihood of achieving remission with any therapeutic strategy is 20?25%, and the success rate with regimens containing rituximab was 0 out of 12 (Ref. 10). It was hoped that ofatumumab might show effectiveness in this high-risk population, and a clinical trial was conducted in two groups of patients ? those refractory to both fludarabine and alemtuzumab, and those refractory to fludarabine with bulky lymphadenopathy ? with the goal of achieving a response rate of greater than 20%. In this trial, a partial response was demonstrated in approximately half of the patients treated. The regimen was as well tolerated as rituximab, and was associated with modest neutropaenia and few other unique side effects.
The approval of ofatumumab for CLL on the basis of this trial enables the investigation of therapeutic strategies that were previously not possible. Although preclinical data show that ofatumumab has the ability to lyse B cells with a low number of CD20 molecules on the surface (which is characteristic of CLL), and it has other potential strengths such as a slower off-rate of binding to the CD20 molecule, these observations need to be confirmed clinically. In addition, could ofatumumab be more effective in CLL than rituximab? Can ofatumumab be added to combination chemotherapy such as fludarabine/cyclophosphamide to develop new regimens? Results of initial studies in this area are already being presented11. Other important issues that need investigation include the extension of the use of ofatumumab to patients with earlier-stage CLL, the combination of ofatumumab with other emerging strategies in the CLL area, and whether wider use will bring to light other unexpected complications. From a clinical science perspective, it is exciting to have a new drug available for CLL, and the work now begins to fully explore its potential.
However, in a recent analysis, patients with fludarabine- and alemtuzumab-refractory CLL, or with bulky lymph nodes, still had a poor prognosis. The overall likelihood of achieving remission with any therapeutic strategy is 20?25%, and the success rate with regimens containing rituximab was 0 out of 12 (Ref. 10). It was hoped that ofatumumab might show effectiveness in this high-risk population, and a clinical trial was conducted in two groups of patients ? those refractory to both fludarabine and alemtuzumab, and those refractory to fludarabine with bulky lymphadenopathy ? with the goal of achieving a response rate of greater than 20%. In this trial, a partial response was demonstrated in approximately half of the patients treated. The regimen was as well tolerated as rituximab, and was associated with modest neutropaenia and few other unique side effects.
The approval of ofatumumab for CLL on the basis of this trial enables the investigation of therapeutic strategies that were previously not possible. Although preclinical data show that ofatumumab has the ability to lyse B cells with a low number of CD20 molecules on the surface (which is characteristic of CLL), and it has other potential strengths such as a slower off-rate of binding to the CD20 molecule, these observations need to be confirmed clinically. In addition, could ofatumumab be more effective in CLL than rituximab? Can ofatumumab be added to combination chemotherapy such as fludarabine/cyclophosphamide to develop new regimens? Results of initial studies in this area are already being presented11. Other important issues that need investigation include the extension of the use of ofatumumab to patients with earlier-stage CLL, the combination of ofatumumab with other emerging strategies in the CLL area, and whether wider use will bring to light other unexpected complications. From a clinical science perspective, it is exciting to have a new drug available for CLL, and the work now begins to fully explore its potential.