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Norse Energy - salg af pipelines

19179 Hegu 7/10 2009 00:44

Vores kære "Vognmand" på har lige smidt dette vigtige indlæg på Hegnar:

Innlegg av: Vognmann (06.10.09 22:26 ), lest 304 ganger
Ticker: NEC
NEC_Avtale om salg av pipeline and Sypply nær forestående?{1B7F9F44-C459-4B34-AA5E-0C18B6E967E6}

The Jamestown Board of Public Utilities has recently been advised by Norse Energy Holdings that the parent
company intends to sell Norse Pipeline, LLC., and Nornew Energy Supply, Inc., to an undisclosed purchaser.
As the Public Service Commission is aware, the Jamestown Board of Public Utilities obtains critical gas
service through the pipelines of both of these companies for the operation of Samuel A. Carlson Generating
Station located in Jamestown, New York.
The BPU has advised Nomew that it intends to work with it, and not against it, in the sale of these companies,
provided that the interests of the BPU are protected.
Nornew has advised the BPU that it does not believe that the transaction will require regulatory changes, but
that the same would be determined during the contractual due diligence period. The Commission issued an
Order Providing for Lightened Regulation (Issued and Effective March 27, 2007) in Case 06-G-1484. The
Commission did not determine that no regulation would occur.
The Board of Public Utilities is requesting that the BPU be advised of any communications between Nornew
Energy Supply, Inc., Norse Pipeline, LLC, and/or Norse Energy Holdings and the Public Service Commission
related to this matter. A similar request has been made of Nomew. The BPU will use this information to
evaluate the protection of its' rights under a Gas Facilities Lease Agreement between the BPU and Nomew,
which contains a clause providing that the assignment of the Agreement by either party must be approved by
the other party.
Very truly yours,

"to sell Norse Pipeline, LLC., and Nornew Energy Supply, Inc., to an undisclosed purchaser." Det vil si begge disse selskapene i usa selges. Vi kan nok vente en melding rundt dette ganske snart.



7/10 2009 13:37 Kenddinvare 019194

Det skal bemærkes at Nornew Energy Supply, Inc ikke er det samme som det Nornew, der er kendt af NY landowners.

Fra årsrapport 2008 :
"Nornew Energy Supply (“NES”)
is a 26-mile natural gas transmission line located in western
New York with connections to a major interstate pipeline and
the company’s pipeline system. The line is currently leased to
the City of Jamestown, New York Board of Public Utilities to
provide gas supply to its power generation facility for an initial
term of 20 years, expiring in 2020. Norse Energy has retained
Jefferies to also assist the company in evaluating strategic
alternatives for our midstream gathering and transportation
pipeline operations."

Om det først omtalte system står der ligeledes på side 12:
"The largest grid, covering approximately 320 miles, known
as the Norse Pipeline system, gathers gas from third-party
customers, as well as company-owned wells, and delivers it to
several distribution points for sale. The delivery points include
major interstate pipelines, local distribution companies and
end users. Annual throughput on this system has increased
since it was bought from Columbia Gas Transmission in
1999. However, in 2008 average daily throughput was 14,729
MMBtu, compared to 18,764 MMBtu in 2007. This decrease
reflects that one of our"

Jeg har i en anden tråd vist skrevet 350 km. pipeline, men det er tilsyneladende miles.
Jeg har en gang noteret, at pipelines værdisættes til 1-2 mio. $ pr mile, men kan ikke lige finde hvor jeg har det fra.
Da størstedelen af nettet er en relativ lille 12 tommers er NECs nok i den nedre ende, men mon ikke vi taler om 300-500 mio.$.
Det er godt nok penge som i øjeblikket forrentes, men de kan som jeg har beskrevet i tråden om NECs værdi forrentes endnu bedre ved at få flere leasingområder ind og sætte skub på Herkimerproduktionen.
Og så kan NEC få en aftale om hurtig videre udbygning af pipelines uden selv at skulle lægge penge ud.

7/10 2009 15:03 MrWater 019196


Det virker meget højt sat - det er værdien af hele Norse Energy.

Jeg ville umiddelbart gætte på omkring $20-50m.

7/10 2009 15:09 MrWater 019198

Ser nu på HO at Pareto angiver værdien til ~$10m og Norse forventer et beløb på op til ~$20m.

Det havde nu ellers været dejligt med $300-500m i kassen

8/10 2009 01:41 Kenddinvare 019223

Tak for guidning.