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NEC - ny melding

15785 Hegu 27/7 2009 10:15

27/07-2009 08:34:44: (NEC) Option grant to key employees
Option grant to key employees

The Board of Norse Energy Corp. ASA ("NEC" ticker code OSE - NEC, Oslo,
Norway, U.S OTC symbol "NSEEF") has resolved to grant 2,700,000 stock
options to management and key employees under the stock option plans
approved by the Annual General Meeting in 2006 and 2008. All options
have an exercise price of NOK 3.35 and correspond to the closing price
Friday July 24th plus 8%. These options may be exercised from July 24th
2011 through July 24th 2014, conditioned on the employee being employed
at that time.

The following options were granted to primary insiders of the company;
- S. Dennis Holbrook, EVP of Regulatory and Investor Relations, 500,000
- Steve Novakowski, EVP of Engineering, 100,000 options
- Stuart Loewenstein, EVP of Exploration and Development, 100,000
- Hege Kirkedam, SVP of Special Projects, 100,000 options
- Jonas Gamre, Investor Relations, 75,000 options
- Alexander Krane, Group Controller, 175,000 options

Following this option grant, these primary insiders hold the following
number of options;
- Holbrook, 500,000 options with strike price NOK 3.35
- Novakowski, 100,000 options with strike price NOK 4.16, 300,000
options with strike price NOK 3.73 and 100,000 options with strike price
NOK 3.35
- Loewenstein, 200,000 options with strike price NOK 3.72, 300,000
options with strike price NOK 3.73 and 100,000 options with strike price
NOK 3.35
- Kirkedam, 400,000 options with strike price NOK 4.16 and 100,000
options with strike price NOK 3.35
- Gamre, 25,000 options with strike price NOK 3.73 and 75,000 options
with strike price NOK 3.35
- Krane, 25,000 options with strike price NOK 3.73 and 175,000 options
with strike price NOK 3.35.

For further information please contact:
Anders Kapstad, CFO
Tel: +47 67 51 61 12
Cell: +47 918 17 442
Email: [email protected]

Jonas Gamre, Investor Relations
Tel: +47 67 51 61 13
Cell: +47 97 11 82 92
Email: [email protected] link:

27/7 2009 10:36 Kenddinvare 015788

Det er vel snart lige så sikkert som amen i kirken med uddeling af optioner.
Tilsyneladende gør de involverede ikke noget for at få prisen op ned i den fobindelse (endnu) og flere gange har lav kurs også bevirket at de ikke er udnyttet. Ved fortsat lav kurs er der således ikke tab for andre aktionærer, men vi er jo inde fordi den mindst bør fordobles på få år og firedobles på 3-5 år og så er der jo røget noget af vores gevinst.
Det er dog psykologisk træls at se på halvstore uddelinger, når kursen ikke bevæger sig positivt.