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DNO International ASA - May 2009 Production Report

14001 fcras 22/6 2009 09:51


DNO is today reporting May 2009 working interest (WI) production of 11,259 bopd.

- more here:

22/6 2009 10:07 JCBN 014002

Godt nyt, igen... øger produktion.

Det betyder vel ned i DNO aktien :/

22/6 2009 17:58 cyber 014032

Latterlig lav kurs på DNO, hvis der ikke er noget rivravruskende galt.

22/6 2009 18:23 cyber 014034

Vi må så håbe, at DNO-en sparker røv i juli, hvis ikke der allerede er kommet et lukrativt tilbud i mellemtiden, der får naked shorts m.fl. fejet af banen.

The June production figures due to be reported in
July will include both Tawke export volumes and local sales volumes.

23/6 2009 08:50 014077

DNO ends doubt over Iraq oil

Published Jun 22, 2009
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courtesy Addax Petroleum
Norway-based Iraq producer DNO International said it will at last placate local media and investors and release a report that shows what its Iraq exports to international markets are versus what it sells to locals in Iraq.

The company said Monday the first stage of the Tawke development aims to deliver 50,000 barrels of oil per day, or 10 times what the company produces in Yemen, its other big international holding.

Tawke, in Northern Iraq, is still producing “test volumes”, the company said. A spokesman told Scandoil that June's figures will include more than test volumes.

“DNO is now for the first time in a position to test the full capacity of the facilities,” a statement said, adding, “The plan is to establish a stable export rate at full capacity as quickly as possible.”

The company in May 2009 earned 11 million kroner ($1.7 million) from its Kurdistan operation, but June sales figures are expected to be higher due to the better prices afforded away from the poverty of Iraq’s still crippled internal energy market.

DNO's exports are now fed by pipeline, and no longer by truck, the spokesman confirmed.