PUKmedia 01-06-2009 10:51:45
The government of Iraq's Kurdistan region said on Monday it hoped to be producing 250,000 barrels per day (bpd) by the middle of next year and 1 million bpd within the next 2-3 years.
Khalid Salih, the spokesman for the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), was addressing journalists in the regional capital Arbil.
Iraq started exporting oil from Kurdistan at an initial rate of 10,000 bpd on Wednesday, a rate which is expected to go up to 100,000 bpd from two oilfields in the coming weeks.
Salih said he was confident the issue of how foreign firms get paid for oil exports from the region will be sorted out, despite a dispute with Baghdad over contracts the KRG signed independently with companies like DNO International (DNO.OL) and Addax Petroleum (AXC.TO).
"The issue of the payment of the companies will be dealt with through a mechanism ... We are positive, because of our positive contribution, that will be sorted out quite soon."
Map Kurdistan/Iraq
DNO.: http://www.dno.no/Investors/Share-Information/
ADDAX: http://www.addaxpetroleum.com/investors/share_price
1/6 2009 12:04 JCBN 012565
Tak for alt info omkring DNO.
Læser det hele.
Det ser godt nok godt ud nu. Puha. :)
Læser det hele.
Det ser godt nok godt ud nu. Puha. :)
Er der andre end mig der fornemmer at bruttofortjenesten bliver 12% per tønde olie + recouping af driftsudgifter?
Det er ihverfald det som addax har meldt ud.
Det er ihverfald det som addax har meldt ud.
dvs vi kan regne med at om et år at dno producerer 100-150.000 daglige tønder og om 2-3 år endnu mere. Ja det er lidt svært at se den case gå andet end op....
1/6 2009 12:35 cyber 012573
Jobber DNO gratis nå? spør en Reuters-journalist
1/6 2009 12:45 cyber 012578
At Hegnar vælger at præsentere spørgsmålet for deres læsere, er næsten for usmageligt.
Men det er jo ikke mere far out end at det rent faktisk har været oppe og vende i debatten at DNO ALDRIG ville få penge...
1/6 2009 13:53 cyber 012592
Kan ikke finde mere end den ene kilde, der indikerer hans afgang, vi ser hvad sker...
Mere DNO:
Mere DNO:
Ren drama! Det bliver altså godt at være DNO aktionær....
1/6 2009 14:02 cyber 012594
Sharistani her og der - haha
1/6 2009 15:58 cyber 012609
Er Hegnar ikke lidt længe om det? Mens vi venter på andre kilder, kan vi glæde os over den fokus, der er på DNO.
Ja det er ligesom at være der selv Nu skal vi bare over 10 i denne uge håber jeg....
1/6 2009 17:19 TGSC 012623
Følg Addax her:
Bid/Ask: http://www.vantagewire.com/quotes/viewquote/AXC:CA
Bid/Ask: http://www.vantagewire.com/quotes/viewquote/AXC:CA
1/6 2009 17:42 cyber 012629
Fino, jeg følger dog Addax via Nordnet og TSX, oppe 4-5%.
1/6 2009 18:01 JCBN 012635
Kan vi ik blive enige om at Addax er steget en del mere end DNO allerede.
Og at det som Addax får ud af Kurdistan, sammenlagt, ik har så stor betydning, som det DNO får ud af Kurdistan. DNO er mindre, så de 50.000 burde give et væsentligt kurshop.
At kigge på Addax' kurs er fint, men ligner lidt utopi at tro DNO kun stiger 5% imorgen... MEN hvad ved jeg :)
Og at det som Addax får ud af Kurdistan, sammenlagt, ik har så stor betydning, som det DNO får ud af Kurdistan. DNO er mindre, så de 50.000 burde give et væsentligt kurshop.
At kigge på Addax' kurs er fint, men ligner lidt utopi at tro DNO kun stiger 5% imorgen... MEN hvad ved jeg :)
1/6 2009 18:08 cyber 012637
Jeg har ikke spået en stigning til DNO på x-antal %, afholder mig fra den slags, konstaterer blot stigningen hos Addax.
1/6 2009 19:51 TGSC 012648
Snæver Addax-range mellem 37,70 og 37,90 :
det var der de største volumener var, men pudsigt at volumen var mindre om formiddagen.
det var der de største volumener var, men pudsigt at volumen var mindre om formiddagen.
1/6 2009 20:59 fcras 012651
Fotos fra eksport åbningen
Fotos fra eksport åbningen
1/6 2009 21:07 JCBN 012652
Oversættelse på det mig og Aka så Live... :p
Oversættelse på det mig og Aka så Live... :p
Another fact is that the oil deals signed by the KRG are legal and constitutional. They are constitutional according to the article 112 of Iraqi constitution. They are legal according to the agreement signed between KRG and al Maliki government years ago, in which an article says if Iraqi national assembly failed to approve the oil and gas bill before May 2007, then Kurdistan would be having the right to sign oil and gas deals with the foreign companies.
This is a fact some attempt to deny or picture it in the opposite side to show that KRG sings deals upon its decisions. They ignore that those are facts and was overwhelmingly approved by the government.
Therefore, those contracts are legal and constitutional; God willing they will serve the interests of Iraqi people and we all want the best for the Iraqis and the Kurdish nation is part of the Iraqi people. They have struggled and will struggle for the best of Iraqis; they have given so many sacrifices for liberating Iraq from dictatorship and Kurdish mountains are proud they were once homeland and bases for Iraqi opposition.
This is a fact some attempt to deny or picture it in the opposite side to show that KRG sings deals upon its decisions. They ignore that those are facts and was overwhelmingly approved by the government.
Therefore, those contracts are legal and constitutional; God willing they will serve the interests of Iraqi people and we all want the best for the Iraqis and the Kurdish nation is part of the Iraqi people. They have struggled and will struggle for the best of Iraqis; they have given so many sacrifices for liberating Iraq from dictatorship and Kurdish mountains are proud they were once homeland and bases for Iraqi opposition.
1/6 2009 21:44 stengård 012660
og så kan I olie-affcionados se frem til stigende afegning: http://en.apa.az/news.php?id=102981